Study Curriculum

Curriculum Guide

The development of the Study Program of Agribusiness curriculum was agreed through the Development of Curriculum Workshop forum on May 21th, 2016, at AHP Solo Hotel.

Program Identity

Education Institute Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Since 2008
Level Program Bachelor
Type of Program Regular
Duration of study 4 Year
Name Program Study Program of Agribusiness
Degree SP (Bachelor of Agriculture)


A Accreditation (376), SK BAN-PT No 4360/SK/BAN-PT/ Accredited/S/XI/2017, valid 14 November 2017 to 14 November 2022

Formation of Courses and Determination of System Credit Units

The formation of courses and determination of System Credit Units are carried out by considering the profile of graduates and expected learning outcomes. The determination of the courses and System Credit Units was agreed in the Development of  Curriculum workshop of Study  Program of Agribusiness on May, 21th, 2016 at AHP Solo Hotel.


Learning Courses and Methods Assessment

Period of Study Four-year(students can complete at least 3.5 years)
The Curriculum structure (now)





Curriculum for the Study Program of Agribusiness consists of 144 credits including:

  • General Knowledge: 10 credits in semester 1 and n 2
  • Compulsory courses: 111 credits
  • Optional courses: Minimum 13 credits (available 58 credits)
  • Internship: 3 credits
  • Real Work Course: 2 Credit
  • Thesis: 5 Credit
Learning and Assessment Methods



  • The applied learning model is the learning model Student-Centered Learning (SCL)) through various methods including lectures, presentations, group discussions, practical skills, and case studies.
  • To assess student performance carried out through various methods including: Midterm Exams, Semester Final Exams, homework, assignment, presentation, responsiveness, and so forth.
  • For the assessment of English language skills using the EAP test
Assessment Method
















For the categories of values ​​used are as follows:

Value of

Letter Grade

Figure Grade

≥85 A 4.00
80-84 A- 3.70
75-79 B + 3.30
70-74 B 3.00
65-69 C + 2.70
60-64 C 2.00
55-59 D 1.00
˂55 E 0,00


Students are declared to pass for a particular subject if the value is at least C (2.00). If students do not graduate, they must correct or repeat the following year.

Student grades are uploaded on the website: and can be accessed by students using username and password their respective.

For taking the course in the next semester, it is determined by IP in the current semester (0 – 4.00). The conditions for taking courses are as follows:


Letter Grade The

number of courses that can be taken in the next semester

IP> 3.50 Cumloude 24 SKS
IP 3.00 – 3.50 Very satisfying 22 SKS
IP 2.76 – 3.00 Satisfying 20 SKS
IP 2.00 – 2.75 (no title ) 18 SKS
Published in the



Education Handbook

Web: (University) (Faculty of Agriculture) (Agribusiness Study Program)

Distribution of Courses for Each Semester

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

Semester I

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester II

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester III

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester IV

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester V

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester VI

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester VII

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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Semester VIII

Click on Courses to download the Module Handbook

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