Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Format

The paper should be submitted in A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) paper size with one column. The margin in the sequence is top/bottom/left/right = 4/3/4/3 cm with Times New Roman 12-font and single spacing. The manuscript should in 10 and 16 pages (excluding the references). Detailed format, please refer to SEPA Manuscript Template.

THE TITLE OF ARTICLE IS WRITTEN WITH TIMES NEW ROMAN (12PT) BOLD (maximum 17 words, UPPERCASE, written in Bahasa Indonesia and English) (space 1, after 12 pt)

First Author1*, Second Author2, and moren (space 1, after 12 pt)

1Affiliation of the author (space 1, after 6pt)

2Affiliation of the author (space 1, after 6pt)

Address affiliation (space 1, after 6pt)

* Corresponding author’s email: …….. (space 1, after 6 pt)

(2 x space 1)

ABSTRAK (spase 1, 12 pt, maksimal 250 kata)

Abstrak dituliskan dalam bahasa Indonesia menggunakan huruf  Times New Roman 12 pt, space tunggal. Judul dalam bahasa Indonesia dicantumkan di dalam abstrak berbahasa Indonesia. Panjang abstrak tidak lebih dari 250 kata. Hindari penggunaan akronim, singkatan, atau simbol-simbol di dalam abstrak. Abstrak harus dapat menggambarkan informasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Cantumkan 3-5 kata kunci terkait dengan abstrak.(space 1, 10 pt).

Kata kunci: abstrak, bahasa, kualitatif, Indonesia, singkatan (ditulis urut secara alphabetik)(space 1).

ABSTRACT (space 1, 12 pt, maximum 250 words)

Abstract written in English using Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced. Title in english should be written in english abstract. The abstract should not be longer than 250 words. Avoid the use of acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols in the abstract. Abstracts can describe qualitative and quantitative information. (space 1, 10 pt)

Keywordsnot italic, single-spaced, write alphabetically in 3-5 words. (space 1)

 (2 x space 1)

INTRODUCTION  (there is no sub-chapters or numbering) (space 1)

The introduction generally consists of a problem or a broad logic statement about the topic of the study which leads to a hypothesis or theme. Described the research topic and background, the statement about problems or questions to be addressed in the study, the objective of the study, advantages of research, and summary of available literatures or cites the most important studies that are relevant to the current research. The introduction consists of:

1)  General background of the research.

2)  State of the art or literature review the relevant research (previously) to justify the research novelty in this article.

3)  References for state of the art must be up to date, more cited new journal, relevant, and original (primer references).

4)  Gap analysis or statement about controversies, novelty based on state of the art (gaps in the literature that the current study consist of two matter, the important gaps statement and unique or research novelty than previous research);

5)  Hypothesis (if available) hasn’t been stated clearly and interrogatory sentence form.

Introduction proportion 15-20% from the article.

METHODS (there is no sub-chapters or numbering) (space 1)

Described the research methods of all technic/procedures (standard name, or describe if the new procedure or modified). Write it completely research location, the number of respondents (if any),  method analysis of observation/questioner/interview (if any), benchmarking performance method analysis, the general method hasn’t been written for detail, but just cited from references.

Method proportion 15-20% from the article.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION (there is no sub-chapters or numbering) (space 1)

Results should be systematic and concise with ‘research objective’ or ‘hypothesis’. The results should be provided data and illustrations. Numbers narration at the table or illustration not uses; every picture and table must be included in the text; in the picture or table caption, don’t use any words that show “in the top” or “in the bottom”, for example: “Based Picture1 in the top…”, “…presented in Table 1…”; Make sure verify this point in the result and discussion: 1. is the author’s intelligence reflected? 2. Is the author’s argument logical? 3. How do the authors relate to the opinions or other research results?, 4. How to connect the results obtained and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses? 5. Are there any implications for both theoretical and applied research results? Are there any beneficial author interpretations? 6. Are there any limitations to the findings? 7. Is there excessive speculation?

Table 1. Title of table









Source: Household Survey, 2021

Figure 1. Demand curve

Source: Author, year

The picture is made in the center with the picture title “Figure 1 …… ..” is placed flat to the left under the picture, and the font 10. The source of the picture is written under the picture title with font 10 and is written as “Source:… ..”.

Symbols and Formulas: In general, writing symbols or symbols should use the letters “Symbol” or use the symbol insertion facility in typing software (word processor). The units and abbreviations used to follow the rules commonly used in scientific disciplines.

Equation writing uses the “Equation” insertion facility in the typing software (word processor). Each written equation must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Equation numbers are written in parentheses placed on the right of the equation and aligned with the right margin. An example of a writing formula is as follows:

bx1  + bx2  + e                                                                                                                                                                       (1)

Some things that need to be considered in writing tables and figures (maps and graphics), namely:

1)        Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals (showing the serial number of the table) Example: Table 2. (is the second table)

2)        The table is given a title above the table with 1 (one) space. The distance between the table title and the table is 1 (one) space.

3)        If the table or figure presented is taken or quoted from a particular source, the source is written below the table or figure with a distance of 1 (one) space.

4)        Possible the table is presented on the same page. If the table is more than 1 page and must be disconnected, then it can be continued with the next page but given further information and given a table title and column headings (head of the table).

5)        Writing data with decimal numbers using a comma (,)

6)        Pictures are serial numbered with Arabic numerals (showing the serial number of the image). Example: Figure 2. (is the second picture).

Citation references sources are done by writing: the author’s last name and year of publication. There are two types of writing methods, namely: (author, year) and author (year). Make a quote should not be too long. Even though the writing is in words or sentences with changes, the meaning conveyed still refers to the essence of the literature without bias and ambiguity. Example:

1)      One source of the citation with one author: Ferdinand (2012) states… or …(Ferdinand, 2012).

2)      One citation source with two authors: Frucot and Shearon (2011) state… or…. (Frucot and Shearon, 2011).

3)      One source with more than two authors: Ariyani et al. (2010) state… or….(Ariyani et al., 2010).

4)      Two sources of quotations with the same author, just write one name:  Agung (2012, 2013) state… or  …(Agung, 2012, 2013). If the publication year is the same Agung (2012a, 2012b) state… or  …(Agung, 2012a, 2012b).

5)      Sources of quotations derived from the work of an institution/organization/corporate should mention the acronym of the institution concerned, for example:

In the first citation: …(New Zealand Qualifications Authority [NZQA], 2008)

Next citation: ….(NZQA, 2008).

6)      One journal citation source with two authors Widiartini and Yasa (2016) state..  or …(Widiartini and Yasa, 2016).

7)      One source of journal citations with more than two authors Cyan et al (2016) state… or …..(Cyan et al., 2016).

Results and Discussion proportion 40-60% of the article.

CONCLUSION (there is no sub-chapters or numbering) (space 1)

Conclusions should write in briefly, consist of answer the objectives of the research or research hypothesis. Write in logical, honest, and scientific-based of data and result. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. Avoid the sentence in bullet or numbering form.


In case, acknowledgments are stated after the conclusion. Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: advisors, financial supporters, discussion, or many other supporters i.e. proofreaders, surveyors, data analyzers, etc.


REFERENCES (APA 6th edition) (space 1,12pt)

References are required to use the Mendeley application. The references style refers to the 6th edition of the APA (American Psychological Association) system, where the last name or surname (surname) is placed in front, while the first name (one or two words) is sufficient to write the initials and placed behind the family name, separated by a comma.

The elements of reference writing must be complete, including:

JOURNAL: Author’s name. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume, number, start page-end page (for the journal),

BOOK: Author’s name. (year of publication). Book title. City of publication: publisher name.

References consist of a minimum of 10 international journals and 5 national journals, textbooks, and the other relevant references, as important newest references (maximum the last 10 years). Reference and citation must comply with the non-plagiarism rules as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.17/2010.

Example :

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages. Canberra, Australia: Author.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages.  Retrieved from

Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L., & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or not to drug: A qualitative study of patients’ decision-making processes for managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26. doi:10.1080/15402002.2016.1163702.

De Vaus, D. A. (2014). Surveys in social research. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin.

Fellner, C. (2019, April 7). Time bomb: Two new cases as NSW faces worst measles outbreak in years. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from

HealthTimes. (2015). The future of aged care nursing in Australia. Retrieved from

Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An observational study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research, 17, 1442–1452.

McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.

Radio New Zealand. (2008). Annual report 2007-2008. Retrieved from

Read, E. (2007, November 1). Myth-busting gen Y. New Zealand Management. Retrieved from

Rush, E. C., Obolonkin, V., Battin, M., Wouldes, T., & Rowan, J. (2015b). Body composition in offspring of New Zealand women: Ethnic and gender differences at age 1–3 years in 2005–2009. Annals Of Human Biology, 42(5), 492–497.

Rush, E., McLennan, S., Obolonkin, V., Cooper, R., & Hamlin, M. (2015a). Beyond the randomized controlled trial and BMI–evaluation of the effectiveness of through-school nutrition and physical activity programs. Public Health Nutrition, 18(9), 1578–1581.

Szcz Ę Sna, A., Nowak, A., Grabiec, P., Paszkuta, M., Tajstra, M., & Wojciechowska, M. (2017). Survey of wearable multi-modal vital parameters measurement systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 526.

Vuong, B. (2018, November). IBISWorld industry report OD5381. Coffee shops in Australia. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).
Creative Commons License
SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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