Student Activities Gallery

Kamagrista Activity

Outbond Class

Practical Work Course

Playing With Friends in a Outbound Game.

Student Exchange with Toho University, Japan

Student Exchange with Kyoto University, Japan

Student Exchange with Kasetsart University, Thailand

1st Contender Champion of the XIV National Student Art Week in the Field of Dance

1st Winner of National Level Student Essay Competition, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

1st Winner Pakubumi Open Pencak Silat National Championship

Student Seminars

1st Winner of National Debate at FKIP UNEJ Education Week 2019

Research in the Laboratory

Students Expo

1st Winner in the National Level Student Essay Competition at the UMM & 1st Contender of LKTI EVEREST, USU HMD-EP

Learn Computing in Computer Laboratory

Student Activity LKMM

1st Winner International Choir Championship “Italian Composer by Vezzosi Augelli by Luca Marenzio”

Learning in Class

Student Seminars via Zoom 2

Provision of KKN Students

Students Manage Academic Information

Big Event

The Amosphere of the Place of Worship on Campus

Student Seminars via Zoom 1

Student Sports, Badminton

Photo with Company Staff Visited

Student Sports, Futsal